3E (Cyprus) acquires 91.62% of LB
3E (Cyprus) acquires 91.62% of LB
14/3/2006 12:10
3E (Cyprus) acquired 91.62% of the share capital of Lanitis Bros.

According to an announcement released on Tuesday, the Public Offer for the acquisition of up to 100% of the issued share capital of Lanitis Bros Public Ltd ended successfully on March 12, 2006.

“The rate of acceptance of the Public Offer by the shareholders of Lanitis Bros stood at 82.94% plus the 8.88% of the issued share capital of Lanitis Bros acquired in the CSE. The total rate of acceptance stands at 91.62%”, the announcement added.

“The payment of the consideration to the shareholders of Lanitis Bros that accepted the Public Offer will be carried out within the period of 14 business days from the expiry of the date of acceptance, pursuant to the regulations and terms of the Public Offer”, the announcement concluded.

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