CSE: Transfer of Orphanides shares to Special Category Market
13/12/2012 15:58
The CSE Council decided, pursuant to Paragraph 2.2.3 (e) of KDP 326/2009, to transfer the shares of listed company Orphanides Public Company Ltd to the Special Category Market from the Main Market of the CSE, starting from tomorrow Friday 14, 2012. The decision was taken following a recommendation of the Securities and Exchange Commission, taking into account the fact that the Auditors' Report on the Consolidated and Individual Financial Statements of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2011 focuses on note 2 (c) of the financial statements on the Company's operation as a going concern.
Additionally, its guaranteed bonds, from tomorrow Friday, December 14, 2012, will trade with a special marking - Special Trading Category in the Daily Price Bulletin of the CSE.
Additionally, its guaranteed bonds, from tomorrow Friday, December 14, 2012, will trade with a special marking - Special Trading Category in the Daily Price Bulletin of the CSE.