Άλλα Orphanides: Information on press reports for Orphanides New Era

Orphanides: Information on press reports for Orphanides New Era

24/1/2013 10:49
With reference to a report in the electronic press on the unsuccessful initiative of Orphanides New Era and the appointment of a Receiver/Administrator by the banks this week, Orphanides Public Company Ltd would like to inform the investing public that:

1. Indeed, the deadline of 20 days that Orphanides New Era had at its disposal to achieve the attraction for a participation in the plan of the suppliers, to whom the Company owes at least €50 million as the agreement signed on January 3, 2013 provides for, expired.

2. In relation to the appointment of a Receiver/Administrator, this is an issue that has to do with the Banks. In case of further developments, Orphanides Public Company Ltd will release an announcement.
Telecommunications - 07/11/24
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