Αύξηση/Μείωση Μετ. Κεφαλαίου Modestou: Clarifications for reduction of share capital

Modestou: Clarifications for reduction of share capital

29/10/2008 13:05
Further to the resolution approved by the Extraordinary General Meeting on June 21, 2007 with regard to the reduction of the issued share capital, the Company announces that the cum-date will be October 31, 2008.

According to the resolution, every 2 issued shares of nominal value £0.04 each will be replaced with 1 share of nominal value £0.08 each.

The Board of Directors will proceed with such arrangements for the bonus transfer of such number of shares to the Company’s shareholders for whom fractional balances will emerge so that after the bonus transfer, each shareholder holds such number of shares that no fractional balances will emerge after the split.
Telecommunications - 07/11/24
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