Έκτακτη Γενική Συνέλευση Marfin: Notification for EGM on 19/5

Marfin: Notification for EGM on 19/5

23/4/2009 9:53
Marfin Popular Bank Public Co Ltd announces that an Extraordinary General Meeting will be held at Hilton Cyprus Hotel, Nicosia on 19 May 2009, immediately after the conclusion of the business of the Annual General Meeting to be held on the same day. We hereby attach the relevant notice, which will be send to the shareholders.


Notice is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of MARFIN POPULAR BANK PUBLIC CO LTD (the “Βank”), will be held at the Hilton Cyprus Hotel, Nicosia, on Tuesday, 19 May 2009 at 6:00 p.m., or immediately after the conclusion of the business of the Annual General Meeting to be held on the same day, to consider and, if thought fit, pass the following Ordinary Resolutions as they are proposed or with such amendments as the Extraordinary General Meeting will approve and the Special Resolutions as they are proposed:


Amendment of the terms of the Share Options Scheme approved by the First (Ordinary) Resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders which was held on 17 April 2007, for the members of the Board of Directors and the employees of the Bank as well as for its affiliated and associated companies, including the exercise price of the Share Options.


Confirmation of the authorisation granted to the Board of Directors of the Bank by the Second (Special) Resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders which was held on 17 April 2007 to issue, within the framework of the implementation of the Share Options Scheme, up to 80.000.000 shares of the Bank of eighty five cents (€0,85) nominal value each, without the shares first being offered to the existing shareholders of the Bank as provided by the Articles of Association of the Bank and the law.


Increase of the nominal share capital of the Bank from Euro 807.500.000 to Euro 935.000.000 by the creation of 150.000.000 additional shares of eighty five cents (€0,85) nominal value each.


Authorisation of the Board of Directors of the Bank that, within the framework of the terms of Issue of Capital Securities up to Euro 250.000.000 in one or more tranches as approved by the Board of Directors of the Bank at its meeting held on 19 March 2009 and especially within the framework of the Alternative Satisfaction Mechanism for Interest Not Paid, to issue up to 103.000.000 ordinary or preference shares of the Bank of eighty five cents (€0,85) nominal value each, without the shares being first offered to the existing shareholders of the Bank as provided by the Articles of Association of the Bank and the law.

A shareholder entitled to attend and vote at the above Meeting, is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote on his behalf. The proxy need not be a member of the Bank.

The record date determining the persons entitled to exercise their voting rights at the above Meeting is set to be 15 May 2009. Blocking of the shares is not required for the representation of shareholders, whose shares are deposited in the Dematerialised Securities System of HELLENIC EXCHANGES S.A.

The instruments appointing a proxy must be deposited at the Bank's Head Office, 154 Limassol Avenue, P.S. 2025 (P.O. Box 22032, P.S. 1598), Nicosia, at least 48 hours before the time fixed for the Meeting.
Telecommunications - 07/11/24
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