LCL: Return of money to Louis Hotels investors
Regarding the passing of the legislation for the return of money to investors, Louis Hotels Ltd, a subsidiary of Louis Cruise Lines Ltd, which has applied for the listing of its titles to the CSE in August 2001, would like to announce the following:

Investors who, based on the related terms and constraints of the Law, have the right and wish to have their money paid for the acquisition of Louis Hotels Ltd shares returned, must apply in writing to the Company as follows:

Louis Hotels Ltd
Post Office Box 21301
1066 Nicosia

or through facsimile at 22681823, furnishing the following information:

· Full Name
· Mailing Address
· Registry Number
· Identity Card Number
· Number of Shares possessed in Louis Hotel Ltd and,
· Date of Payment for shares possessed

Following that, the Company will perform the necessary checks and inform interested persons on how to receive their checks.

For any further clarifications, interested persons are kindly requested to contact the office of the Company Secretary at telephone 22681820.