A code of principles, conduct as well as transparency for Cypriot MPs is expected to be voted by the House in January 2021.The issue was discussed during a meeting of the parliamentary committee on...
The Cyprus shipping industry has proved resilient amidst the coronavirus pandemic and the aim is for the sector to grow even further in the future, Deputy Minister for shipping Vassilis Demetriades...
House Plenary on Thursday passed three bills which create a legislative framework criminalizing sexism and one law that sets up mechanisms to prevent and deal with bullying and intimidation at...
The package launched by the government to support employees and businesses amid the coronavirus pandemic has averted a drastic rise in unemployment, Minister of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance...
The parliamentary committee on ethics aims to have the bills pending before it related with the recommendations of a report of the Council of Europe`s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO)...
Cyprus House of Representatives President Adamos Adamou presented on Wednesday the parliamentary annual report, noting that despite the obstacles the Covid-19 pandemic posed the work achieved was...
The cost of electricity is expected to be reduced in 2022, as the market opens to competition and the project to bring natural gas is expected to be completed by the end of this year, Energy Minister...
Cyprus House President, Adamos Adamou, tested negative for COVID-19, a press release issued by his office on Tuesday said.Adamou was tested after he came into contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case,...
Cyprus House President Adamos Adamou entered in self-quarantine as he came in contact with a Covid-19 positive case.Adamou has been tested for Covid-19 and will remain in self-quarantine until the...
Cyprus` Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy is looking towards a two-speed plan, separating the aim for digital transformation into small high speed and longer orientated...