CSE: Transfer of CTO titles to Alternative Market
13/12/2013 12:45
The CSE Council, following the submission and publication of the six-month results of C.T.O Public Company Ltd for the period ended June 30, 2013, decided to transfer its titles from the Special Category Market to the Alternative Market of the Cyprus Stock Exchange. This decision was taken pursuant to Paragraph 2.2.5 of KDP 326/2009 (as amended), which concerns the cases of transfer of companies to the Market they previously belonged to since with the publication of their six-month results for the period ended 30/6/2013 the reasons that led to their transfer no longer exist.
The trading of the titles to the Alternative Market will commence on Monday, December 16, 2013.
The trading of the titles to the Alternative Market will commence on Monday, December 16, 2013.