CSE: Suspension of the titles of Modestou Sound & Vision Public Company Ltd
16/8/2017 12:34
Following a previous announcement dated 12 May 2017, the Cyprus Stock Exchange announces the suspension of trading of the titles of Renos Hatzioannou Farm Public Company Ltd and Modestou Sound & Vision Public Company Ltd pursuant to Article 183 of the CSE Law due to the nonsubmission and publication of their Annual Financial report for the year ended 31/12/2016. The suspension of trading will be effective as of Thursday, 17 August 2017.
The decision was taken in the context of the Policy Deceision of the Cyprus Stock Exchange according to which if, within 3 months of the date of transfer of its titles to the Surveillance Market, an issuer fails to comply as a result of the non-submission and publication of its financial results, then the Stock Exchange will proceed to the suspension of trading of the issuing company's titles (circular CSE 3- 2015 dated 13/7/2015 titled "CSE Policy on the suspension and delisting of securities on the Cyprus Stock Exchange Markets").
It is noted that the decision has been ratified by the CSE Council and will be effective for a period of two months.
It is understood that the suspension of trading of the companies' titles will be lifted if and when their Annual Financial Report for the year ended 31/12/2016 is submitted.
The decision was taken in the context of the Policy Deceision of the Cyprus Stock Exchange according to which if, within 3 months of the date of transfer of its titles to the Surveillance Market, an issuer fails to comply as a result of the non-submission and publication of its financial results, then the Stock Exchange will proceed to the suspension of trading of the issuing company's titles (circular CSE 3- 2015 dated 13/7/2015 titled "CSE Policy on the suspension and delisting of securities on the Cyprus Stock Exchange Markets").
It is noted that the decision has been ratified by the CSE Council and will be effective for a period of two months.
It is understood that the suspension of trading of the companies' titles will be lifted if and when their Annual Financial Report for the year ended 31/12/2016 is submitted.