Modestou S&V Considers Bonus Shares
24/4/2001 0:00
The Board of Modestou Sound & Vision Ltd. announced that it will be convening on the 9 May 2001 in order to examine the following:
1. The date of the AGM
2. The possible payment of dividends to shareholders 2000.
3. The preparation of a resolution for the offering of bonus shares based on the Loyalty Bonus Scheme which exclusively concerns smaller shareholders of the company. That is, a proposal to initial and main shareholders of the company to give up their participation rights in the said Scheme.
Preparation of a resolution allowing the company to buy back own shares in accordance with current legislation.
1. The date of the AGM
2. The possible payment of dividends to shareholders 2000.
3. The preparation of a resolution for the offering of bonus shares based on the Loyalty Bonus Scheme which exclusively concerns smaller shareholders of the company. That is, a proposal to initial and main shareholders of the company to give up their participation rights in the said Scheme.
Preparation of a resolution allowing the company to buy back own shares in accordance with current legislation.