Lemeco: AGM decisions
13/6/2007 10:17
Pursuant to the CSE and SEC Regulations and in order to fully inform the shareholders and the investing public in general, Lemeco Silvex Industries Public Company Ltd announces that the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday, June 12, 2007 at Silvex Court in Nicosia decided the following:
1. Financial statements
The AGM approved the final audited results for the year ended December 31, 2006, the Directors’ Report and the Auditors’ Report.
2. Appointment of Board members
The AGM reelected all Board members except for the Managing Director, who keeps his position pursuant to the Articles of Association.
3. Remuneration of Board members
The remuneration of the Board members will remain the same, that is, £500 per annum.
4. Appointment of auditors
The AGM reappointed KPMG as auditors and authorized the Board of Directors to set their remuneration.
1. Financial statements
The AGM approved the final audited results for the year ended December 31, 2006, the Directors’ Report and the Auditors’ Report.
2. Appointment of Board members
The AGM reelected all Board members except for the Managing Director, who keeps his position pursuant to the Articles of Association.
3. Remuneration of Board members
The remuneration of the Board members will remain the same, that is, £500 per annum.
4. Appointment of auditors
The AGM reappointed KPMG as auditors and authorized the Board of Directors to set their remuneration.