Μετάταξη CSE transfers Christis to Special Characteristics Market

CSE transfers Christis to Special Characteristics Market

19/11/2007 9:55
The CSE Council decided to transfer the titles of Christis Diaries Public Ltd from the Parallel Market to the Special Characteristics Market pursuant to Provision 2.2.3 (a) of KPD 596/2005 which concerns the Company’s failure to be in line with the constant obligations of the Market that it is listed in, especially the minimum dispersion to the public.

The trading of the Company’s titles in the Special Characteristics Market will commence on Wednesday, November 21, 2007.

It is noted that the CSE Council has given to Christis Dairies Public Ltd a period of compliance of six-months.
Telecommunications - 07/11/24
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    Trust Index
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