Έκτακτη Γενική Συνέλευση CCC Tourist: EGM approved redenomination of capital in euros

CCC Tourist: EGM approved redenomination of capital in euros

24/3/2008 11:15
We hereby inform you that at the Extraordinary General Meeting of C.C.C. Tourist Enterprises Public Company Ltd held in Limassol on 21 March 2008 approved unanimously the following Special Resolutions:


1. That the Company’s share capital be re-expressed in euros, pursuant to Law 33(I)2007, Article 18 (I).

2. The re-expression in euros (<<€>>) be converted and rounded pursuant to Article 5 of the European Directive.

3. The exchange rate of €1,00 = £0,585274 be used.


That, pursuant to the aforementioned Law and Articles of Special Resolution 1:

1. The current nominal value of the share be converted from £0,25 to €0,43 after the rounding.

2. The nominal capital of the Company be converted from £37.500.000,00 divided into 150.000.000 ordinary shares of nominal value of £0,25 each to €64.500.000,00 divided into 150.000.000 ordinary shares of nominal value €0,43 each.

3. The issued share capital of the Company be converted and increased from £35.423.010,00 divided into 141.692.040 ordinary shares of nominal value £0,25 each to €60.927.577,20 divided into 141.692.040 ordinary shares of nominal value €0,43 each.

4. The sum corresponding to the share capital increase, that is, €403.771,26 be deducted from the Company's reserves.
Telecommunications - 07/11/24
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