Εξαγορά/Συγχών. Vivartia: Squeeze out for the acquisition of Christis shares

Vivartia: Squeeze out for the acquisition of Christis shares

30/4/2008 15:13
Vivartia SA announces that it has activated the squeeze out procedure for the acquisition of the total issued shares of Christis Dairies Public Limited.

According to the law, Laiki Brokerage EPEY Ltd, as Trustee, has paid the sum to the shareholders of Christis Dairies Public Limited on the basis of £0.29 per share on April 8, 2008. The sum was paid in euros on the basis of the exchange rate. The payment was carried out with the dispatch of a cheque to the beneficiaries’ address and in certain cases with the transfer of the sum to the Trustees.

The Cyprus Stock Exchange has been informed on the dispatch of the sum to the shareholders of Christis Dairies Public Limited and has proceeded with the transfer of shares of Christis Diaries Public Limited in the name of Vivaria SA, pursuant to article 36 of the Public Offering and Acquisition Law 2007 and the provisions of the CSE Regulatory Decision KDP96/2008 that governs the squeeze out procedure.

This announcement is released pursuant to article 36(6) of the Public Offering and Acquisition Law 2007 and the provisions of the CSE Regulatory Decision KDP96/2008.

With the completion of the procedure, the stake of Vivartia SA in Christis Dairies will stand at 100% (against 93.737% on December 31, 2007).
Telecommunications - 07/11/24
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