Ενδιάμεσες καταστάσεις διαχείρισης Caramondani: Interim Management Statement

Caramondani: Interim Management Statement

19/5/2008 10:04
The Board of Directors of Caramondani Bros Public Company Ltd presents the Interim Management Statement of the Company and its subsidiaries for the period from January 1, 2008 to May 16, 2008 that has been prepared pursuant to the provisions of Article 11 of the Transparency Requirements Law 2007 (N. 109(I)/2007) and has not been audited by the external auditors of the Company.

The main activities of the Group, which focus on the electrical and mechanical projects, the repair and sale of containers, the construction of climate air-ducts, the sale of small private and public hybrid vehicles and the wholesale and retail trade of electrical goods and air-conditions, have remained the same as last year.

The main facts and developments taking place during the period and their impacts on the financial statements are presented below:

Public Offer

As already announced at the expiry of the Public Offer on April 18, 2008, C.B Holdings Limited acquired a stake of 93.99% of the total issued share capital of Caramondani Bros. According to the PO Document, the last day of dispatch of the bank cheques to the acceptors of the PO is May 20, 2008. After that date and the transfer of shares by the acceptors of the Public Offer to C.B Holdings Limited, the CSE will transfer the shares of Caramondani Bros to the Special Characteristics Market.


There were no other significant facts or deals affecting the Group’s results and there were no other profits or losses from non-recurrent activities or activities that do not fall under the Company’s main activities.

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