Έκτακτη Γενική Συνέλευση ADHP: EGM for share issue for acquisition of Flamini and name change

ADHP: EGM for share issue for acquisition of Flamini and name change

22/6/2009 15:12
The Board of Directors of ADHP Holdings Public Ltd (the Company) announces that the Extraordinary General Meeting took place on June 22, 2009 at 11.00 am at the Company’s registered office after the Annual General Meeting. It examined and approved unanimously the following special resolutions:

Special Resolution 1:

That the Board of Directors is authorized (no later than June 30, 2009) to proceed to the issue and allocation of 2,611,700 new shares of nominal value €0.17 each to Laser Investment Group Plc at the price of €0.22 per share against the acquisition of the entire share capital of Flamini Trading Ltd (reg. no.: HE 162167).

Pursuant to the provisions of article 60B(5) of the Companies’ Law and taking into account the Articles of Association, the existing shareholders disclaim their rights on the above allocation of shares.

Special Resolution 2:

It has been decided that the Company changes its name from ADHP HOLDINGS PUBLIC COMPANY LTD to AD SHOPPING GALLERIES PUBLIC COMPANY LTD
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